Our Story

“ HBOT re-ignited my recovery and I personally attribute this as being one of the most important finds in my road to full recovery following my concussion.  I know how hard it is when you’re going through concussion and I couldn't recommend this highly enough to help get you through those tough times."  

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— Scott

Based on Auckland’s North Shore, Cocoon is a leading holistic clinic offering mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy (mHBOT) that is both convenient and accessible for all Kiwi’s in search of a sustainable road to recovery.

Hello, I’m Dr Gary Dennis DC, the founder of Cocoon.

I was introduced to mHBOT therapy after suffering a serious brain injury in 2019. Within a matter of weeks the benefits were apparent, but the travel and significant treatment costs soon became a burden.  My research told me that treatment with mHBOT should be carried out every day of the week, without breaks, to ensure the best results.  

As such, it made sense to have my own chamber at home and took all of the stress out of my recovery. It enabled me to easily stick to a daily regime that not only improved my results, but also saved me money and time.

Our youngest patient to date was two and a half years old. Our eldest in their eighties.

If you have any questions just reach out. I will be happy to discuss your case and help put together a mHBOT treatment programme that best serves your needs.

Installation and training in your own home is very straightforward and we are only a phone call away should you need any follow up help.

Yours in Health,


Cocoon Healing Pod Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy- Dr Gary Dennis Functional Medicine.
Cocoon Healing Pod Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy-Dr Gary Dennis Functional Medicine.

Want to learn more about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Talk to us
We’ll be happy to set up a free consultation for you.

“In his 30+ years of practice Dr  Gary Dennis  has been in continuous private practice resolving pain and creating wellness for people from all walks of life.”