What You Can Treat

“For me, this was the start of turning point in my health. I believe it reduced the inflammation throughout my body and slowly week by week I noticed improvements and lessening symptoms.”

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- Katie

Why you should choose Cocoon Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

The human body has the incredible ability to heal itself. What hyperbaric oxygen therapy does is to create an environment that up-regulates cell function and down-regulates inflammation. Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been clinically proven to alleviate the symptoms of a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions. Watch the video to find out more.

Chronic Health Issues

At Cocoon, we're dedicated to harnessing the incredible healing potential of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). This remarkable therapy involves placing your body inside a special chamber, known as the Cocoon Healing Pod, where you'll experience the profound benefits of 100% pure oxygen.

Inside the Cocoon Healing Pod, you'll be surrounded by an environment of elevated atmospheric pressure, allowing your body to absorb an abundance of pure oxygen. This unique experience provides a wealth of advantages for a wide range of medical conditions.

Most conditions require a minimum of six weeks to make a difference and several months to make lasting changes.


At Cocoon, we understand that facing cancer is a deeply challenging journey, and we're here to stand by your side. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) holds a gentle yet profound promise for those navigating this path. Some of the features and benefits of HBOT for cancer include:

Enhanced Oxygenation: HBOT infuses your body with increased levels of oxygen, fostering an environment where cancer cells struggle to thrive. It strengthens your body's natural defences.

Reduced Side Effects: Cancer treatments often bring unwelcome side effects. HBOT can alleviate these, offering relief from fatigue, nausea, and pain, helping you regain a sense of normalcy.

Boosted Immunity: Your immune system becomes a mighty ally in the battle. HBOT bolsters your immunity, helping your body better combat cancer cells and infections.

Improved Healing: Post-surgery or radiation, HBOT supports tissue recovery, reducing the risk of complications and expediting the healing process.

Enhanced Quality of Life: Our therapy strives to improve your overall well-being, making each day a little brighter and more comfortable.

Empathetic Care: At Cocoon, we recognise the emotional toll cancer takes. Our compassionate team is here to provide unwavering support, ensuring you never feel alone on your journey.

Tailored Treatment: We understand that your cancer journey is as unique as you are. Our therapies are personalised to address your specific needs and concerns.

Holistic Healing: Beyond physical well-being, we focus on nurturing your emotional and mental health, helping you find strength and resilience.

Every day, we witness the strength and courage of those battling cancer, and we are committed to being a ray of hope in your life. With Cocoon's HBOT for cancer, there's always a reason to embrace hope.

Sports Performance and Injuries

Cocoon’s Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a game-changer for athletes seeking to enhance their performance, accelerate recovery, and maintain peak physical condition. Here's how HBOT benefits athletes:

Improved Oxygen Delivery: HBOT saturates your body with pure oxygen, significantly increasing oxygen levels in the bloodstream. This supercharged oxygen supply enhances endurance during intense workouts, enabling athletes to push their limits further.

Faster Recovery: Athletes often face injuries and muscle fatigue. HBOT promotes rapid recovery by reducing inflammation, stimulating tissue repair, and aiding in the removal of metabolic waste products. This means less downtime and quicker return to training.

Enhanced Muscle Repair: Intense training can lead to microtraumas in muscles. HBOT accelerates the healing process, helping muscles repair and regenerate more effectively. Athletes experience reduced muscle soreness and a faster return to peak performance.

Reduced Fatigue: HBOT combats fatigue by improving cellular energy production. Athletes feel more energised, even during demanding training sessions, leading to better overall performance.

Injury Prevention: Regular HBOT sessions can strengthen the body's natural defence mechanisms, making it more resilient to injuries. This is crucial for athletes looking to avoid setbacks caused by sports-related injuries.

Enhanced Focus and Cognitive Function: HBOT doesn't just benefit the body; it also sharpens the mind. Athletes report improved mental clarity, focus, and decision-making abilities, which are invaluable in high-stakes competitions.

Boosted Immune System: Strenuous training can temporarily weaken the immune system. HBOT bolsters immunity, reducing the risk of illness and keeping athletes in optimal health.

Holistic Wellness: HBOT promotes overall well-being by reducing stress and anxiety. Athletes experience a greater sense of balance and mental resilience, crucial for maintaining peak performance.

Longevity in Sport: By accelerating recovery and reducing wear and tear on the body, HBOT can extend an athlete's career, allowing them to compete at a high level fos often seek any advantage to outperform their competition. HBOT provides that edge by optimising physical and mental capabilities, ultimately leading to better results.

Incorporating Cocoon’s Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy into an athlete's regimen can be a strategic move, helping them achieve their goals, stay competitive, and maintain their health throughout their career. It's a proven method embraced by elite athletes worldwide for its undeniable benefits.

Pre & Post Surgery Recovery

Pre-Surgery Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:

Enhanced Healing Capacity: Before surgery, HBOT sessions can prepare your body by increasing its healing capacity. The rich oxygen environment promotes tissue repair, making your body better equipped to recover from surgery.

Reduced Infection Risk: Surgery can carry infection risks. HBOT helps bolster your immune system, reducing the chances of post-operative infections.

Improved Tissue Oxygenation: HBOT saturates your bloodstream with oxygen, ensuring that your tissues receive ample oxygen before surgery. Well-oxygenated tissues are better prepared to withstand the stresses of surgery and support a quicker recovery.

Stress Reduction: Surgery can be mentally and emotionally taxing. HBOT sessions offer relaxation and stress reduction, helping you approach your procedure with a calm and composed mindset.

Faster Recovery Planning: When you're in optimal health before surgery, your recovery plan can be more effective. HBOT ensures that you're in the best possible condition to handle the demands of post-operative healing.

Post-Surgery Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:

Accelerated Healing: After surgery, HBOT continues to be highly beneficial. It speeds up the healing process by providing oxygen to surgical sites, reducing inflammation, and promoting tissue regeneration.

Scar Minimisation: HBOT may assist in minimising scar tissue formation, helping you achieve better cosmetic results following surgery.

Reduced Swelling: Swelling is a common post-surgery side effect. HBOT can help reduce swelling and discomfort, allowing you to recover more comfortably.

Infection Control: HBOT can be used as part of a post-operative infection control strategy, reducing the risk of surgical site infections.

Pain Management: HBOT can aid in managing post-operative pain. By promoting healing, it may reduce the need for extensive pain medication.

Enhanced Immunity: Surgery can temporarily weaken the immune system. HBOT boosts your body's defences, helping you fend off potential infections during the vulnerable post-operative period.

Improved Scarring: For some surgical procedures, HBOT may contribute to more favourable scarring outcomes, resulting in less visible or troublesome scars.

Overall Well-Being: Surgery can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. HBOT sessions provide relaxation and stress relief, supporting your overall recovery journey.

Incorporating Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy into your pre and post-surgery care plan can be a proactive step towards a smoother and more successful surgical experience. It's a powerful ally in optimising your healing potential and ensuring a comfortable recovery.

Paediatric Conditions

Paediatric Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy offers the same benefits to children as adults and is suitable for children of all ages.

Easily administered to a patient of any age, small children can be accompanied by a parent inside a chamber.

Anti-Ageing & Beauty

Clinical studies have shown that HBOT increases circulation and oxygen levels, thus promoting cell repair and collagen activation which improves age spots, saggy skin, wrinkles, poor collagen structure and skin cell damage. Regular HBOT is widely thought to increase ageing skin elasticity and to stimulate collagen production which, over time, can improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and scars. In addition, UV-B damage can be prevented and repaired with HBOT.

HBOT stimulates collagen production, improves skin elasticity, eliminates toxins and can help repair damaged skin. It can also promote healthy hair growth and help with weight loss, cellulite, wrinkles, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.

HBOT can improve bruising and swelling after aesthetic procedures such as lasers, chemical peels, facelifts and liposuction and enhance hair growth following a transplant.