
“After a serious concussion, the hyperbaric capsule, which we used for 3 months at home daily, and the exercises and support, my wife has been able to live normally again.”

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- Donal

What is a Concussion?

“Concussions result from a severe blow, jarring or trauma to the head or neck,” explains Dr. Gary Dennis, founder of Concussion Care, a holistic wellness facility based in Auckland. It “can be anything from a hit in the head to a sudden movement of the head, without a hit … i.e. whiplash.” This trauma may occur from a car accident or during a full-contact sport like football when two players collide.

50% of all concussions go unreported or undetected

People aged less than 30 years accounted for 63% of ACC concussion claims

36,000 people in New Zealand sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year

Concussion and the Healing Power of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

“Individuals suffering from a concussion will experience a range of symptoms unique to their injury,” says Dr. Dennis, “Rehabilitation is not a one size fits all approach. Therefore, each case must be treated with a customised recovery plan that works best from them.

Following the Initial Assessment, measurement and Functional Testing, recommendations will be made to help you manage your own recovery at home.

Dr. Dennis stresses how important of a role HBOT plays in concussion recovery and recommends this therapy to anyone who has recently suffered a head injury.

Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Concussion

At Cocoon, we understand that a concussion can cast a cloud over your life, leaving you in search of answers and relief. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is here to guide you on the path to healing through:

Brain Rejuvenation: Following a concussion, your brain needs time and support to heal. HBOT offers a gentle yet powerful boost of oxygen, nourishing and rejuvenating brain tissues.

Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation often accompanies brain injuries. HBOT has been shown to reduce inflammation, providing relief from headaches and cognitive challenges.

Improved Blood Flow: By enhancing blood flow to damaged areas of the brain, HBOT helps in nutrient delivery, aiding the healing process.

Regained Cognitive Function: Many concussion sufferers experience memory issues and cognitive fog. HBOT can help improve cognitive function, allowing you to regain mental clarity.

Enhanced Mood: Emotional challenges can arise post-concussion. HBOT may alleviate mood swings and anxiety, promoting emotional well-being.

Speedier Recovery: HBOT supports the body's natural healing mechanisms, potentially expediting your recovery and helping you return to a fulfilling life.

Holistic Well-being: Beyond physical healing, we prioritise your emotional and mental health, helping you rediscover a sense of wholeness.

If you begin HBOT immediately after the injury and follow the proper concussion recovery protocols recommended by Concussion Care ( then you will see a significant difference within six weeks. If you start HBOT a number of months after the injury, then you are likely to need up to twelve weeks for a more complete recovery.